Eleanor wins Bambisanani Leadership Award in memory of Sibonelo Magwaza

Bambisanani Partnership Awards in memory of Sibonelo Magwaza are presented annually at Mnyakanya High School and St. Mary’s, Menston; the two founding schools of the Bambisanani Partnership.

Sibonelo was an outstanding young leader from Mnyakanya School who had completed the Bambisanani Leadership with St. Mary’s students in 2010, sadly he died a few months later. The award has a very special meaning and importance in both schools.

This year’s winner from St. Mary’s is Eleanor Rock who travelled to South Africa as a member of the St. Mary’s volunteer team last year. Catherine Chattoe, Bambisanani Coordinator at St. Mary’s presented the prestigious award at the schools annual Leavers Mass and said, “Eleanor is indeed an outstanding leader who has demonstrated excellent leadership skills and commitment to the partnership. She made a remarkable impact in South Africa making many new friends that she still stays in contact with. Eleanor’s kindness and compassion always shines through; she does all that she does with a beautiful smile. She is an exceptional young person.”

Whilst in South Africa last year Eleanor made a strong friendship with the winner of the Sibonelo Magwaza Award at Mnyakanya School. Bayandu Gcabu.

On hearing that Eleanor was to receive the award at St. Mary’s Bayandu forwarded a message which Mrs Chattoe read out at the presentation event:

Eleanor receives award from Catherine Chattoe’

“I wish to pass on my congratulations to my amazing friend. We became such good friends when they came to work at my school. I am happy that our friendship continues even when we are 6,000 miles apart. They are my first friend from overseas. She helped me with many things and did not hesitate to support me when I was trying to teach tennis to my local primary school children.

We shared everything together even eating our lunch. I learnt a lot from their kindness and discipline. We shared lots of information about our countries and I loved teaching them my Zulu language. Keep on doing good things my special friend. I am also working very hard at school. Please wait for me, I promise to come and visit you some day to see your country. This student has empowered the students at Mnyakanya High School to believe in themselves and to have and follow a dream.”

Congratulations to Eleanor and indeed to Bayandu; two exceptional young leaders who are an inspiration to others. We will follow their progress with great interest!


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