Bambisanani Partnership recognised for contribution to UN Sustainable Development Goals
Yet again the Bambisanani Partnership charity has been recognised for its commitment and contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 and 17 namely Good Health and Wellbeing, Quality Education, Gender Equality, Clean Water and Sanitation, Reduced Inequalities and Partnerships for the Goals through its inspirational work in South Africa.
David Geldart from the partnership said, "Our contribution towards each of these interrelated goals may be small in the scale of things but they are nonetheless important and very significant. This is how individuals and organisations must start - in a small but purposeful way - it doesn't matter how small the action is, it will make a difference and it will set an example especially to young people. Organisations like ours that work with young people have a responsibility to highlight the UN Sustainable Development Goals and encourage positive actions and behaviours. Every day presents us with a with a myriad of opportunities to make a real difference and a chance to live more authentic and meaningful lives. The UN Sustainable Development Goals provide a wonderful focus for educators and learners. Our experience is that young people in both South Africa and the UK are concerned about the future but are extremely keen indeed to make the world a kinder, more equitable and sustainable place. It is also our experience that collaborative international encounters significantly amplify this motivation and promote genuine global citizenship."
“Do your little bit of good where you are; its those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”
The Bambisanani Partnership is a founding member of Sport and Sustainability International.
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