The 9th Annual Martin Green Memorial Golf Tournament in aid of Cancer Research UK is a tremendous success

The Martin Green Memorial Golf Tournament remembers a remarkable man who whilst a teacher at St. Mary’s School, Menston played an important role in developing the Bambisanani Partnership – a unique charity that uses the power of sport to change lives of some of the poorest children in South Africa. The Ninth Annual Tournament was held at East Morton Golf Club, as it always is, and raised £990 for Cancer Research UK. Over the past nine years, this event has now raised over £11,000 for the charity.

Despite ‘a bit of rain’ the day was a tremendous success, marked with wonderful camaraderie, great fun, superb hospitality and some excellent golf. 27 people played in the 18-hole Stableford tournament with many others making generous donations and providing prizes.

The winner of the 2023 Martin Green Memorial Trophy was Danny Halligan with a very impressive 47 points. Greg Smith was runner-up with 44 points and Paul Thompson gained third place on 38 points. The Longest Drive competition was won by Mark Sutcliffe, the Straightest Drive competition by the clearly in form Greg Smith and the Nearest the Pin challenge by Greg Kean. The Putting prize went to Andy Doherty.

This year’s Champion Danny Halligan said, “It’s been a pleasure to work with the charity over the last nine years and especially remembering Martin. Winning is good…but as long as the charity wins, it’s even better.”

The event was organised by former colleagues of Martin; Alex Smickersgill, Catherine Chattoe and David Geldart. David said, “Massive thanks to everyone that played and supported the event in any way. We are indebted to Jean Green (Martin’s Mum), Fred Heaton, Danny Halligan, Michelle Hefferon, Duncan Baines and Mike Gosling for making it such a great occasion. Thanks also to Liam Matthews PGA coach at Cookridge Hall Golf Club for providing a coaching prize and for Oulton Hall Golf Club for providing a four-ball prize at the prestigious course. Special thanks to St. Mary’s School and all the team at East Morton Golf Club who always go the extra mile to ensure that this tournament is a tremendous success and celebration. We are already looking forward to next year’s competition which will be our 10th Anniversary event as we edge towards a target of £15,000 for Cancer Research UK.”

All photos with kind permission of Mike Gosling


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