St. Mary's student Ellie completes Football Coaching Qualification before South Africa visit next month

FA Level 1 Coaching Course Achievement.

Ellie is looking forward to visiting South Africa as part of the St. Mary’s 2019 team

Ellie is looking forward to visiting South Africa as part of the St. Mary’s 2019 team

“During my FA Level 1 coaching course, I took part in 5 full days, which included being taught various different techniques of how to coach children and what methods work best. I was then assessed on 3 different occasions, where I had to create a training session and then deliver it to the other people on the course (who acted as my students). In order to pass these assessments, I had to tick 14/15 marks on the criteria, which included points for “70% ball rolling during the session” and “setting personal goals for students within the session” etc.

After passing the session I had created, I then had to complete 6 online modules, which included lessons on “how to act on match day” “respect for the game” and more. After finishing these modules, I then completed a first aid training course and a children’s safeguarding course in order to complete the whole course.

After completing this course, it means I am now a qualified level 1 coach in football. I am now able to regularly volunteer at the after school girls’ football training with proper knowledge of how I can effectively help. Alongside this, I am going to South Africa this June with the Bambisanani Partnership, where I will help coach the children at Mnyakanya High school.”
— Ellie Lamb, Year 12
‘I am very proud of Ellie completing her Level 1 coaching qualification. I look forward to seeing her use her skills when working at Mnyakanya High School in South Africa next month.”
— Mrs C Chattoe, Bambisanani Co-ordinator, St. Mary's Menston

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